Post Implementation Review Template
Post Implementation Review - Post Project Review
Post Implementation review or post-project review is the investigation done by all the prime stakeholders of change management after implementing the change.

What is PIR in Change Management?
After the change is done to the project, Prime stakeholders investigate and do a post-project review.
PIR should be done for successful and failed changes; its main objective is to learn from the experience and document them for future references.
Who Should Do Post Project Review?
PIR activity should be chaired by the change manager setting the direction for the PIR meeting.
What to cover in Post Implementation Review?
The Post Project Review or PIR activity should be chaired by the change manager setting the direction for the PIR meeting, which generally starts with:
- Deciding the date, time, location, stakeholders needed, and the method of how the session will
be organized - Discussion on what went correct and what went wrong
- Examining the planned versus the actual results concerning test plans, backout plans, remediation plans, impact analysis, change collisions, etc.
- Lessons learned from the implementation.
- Finally, developing a description of the action plan, the action plan for the change manager, change builder, change tester & implementer.
Post Implementation Review Template
PIR should capture all the important information on a change request, detailing:
- Change number
- PIR number
- RFC created date
- RFC closed date
- PIR meeting date
- Change result
- Change description
- Change category
- Stakeholders involved (Change analyst, implementer, CAB staff, Change manager)
- Scheduled change implementation date and time
- Actual change implementation date and time
- List of CIs & Business Services that were impacted on account of the change
- Test results
- RCA if the change failed
- What was done well, and what are the things where we could have done better
- Additional review comments/feedbacks
- Lessons learned